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Topic: Raserige paddas (Read 22891 times)
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Forum Furniture
Posts: 2040
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #20 on:
September 12, 2009, 04:16:14 PM »
Ok Natuurkind, solank hulle nie seerkry nie en net wegtrek. Ek wonder net of hulle nie brand van die sout nie?
Ek is maar `n sucker as dit by diere kom, kannie help nie...
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Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #21 on:
September 12, 2009, 06:56:01 PM »
Quote from: Trailrider on September 11, 2009, 06:35:54 AM
Dit gaan nie lank werk nie. Hulle gaan "fin rot" kry. Tensy jy 'n sak seesout kry en ook ingooi. Dan hou hulle effens langer
I have a small lily pond (2,5m x 1m x 1m) with fish in it - goldfish, 2 koi, some guppies & clouds of swordtails & 9 Cape River frogs which i introduced as tadpoles. That pond I made about 8 years ago. It also has a marsh part with all sorts of plants including irises, pontedera, 2 sorts of (name escapes me but lily like flowers) & an indigenous orchid. It includes a shallow area of sand/mud for the fish. The fish have no problems except a few have died of old age. The swordtails & guppies breed very well. The goldfish have. Mrs koi laid eggs & he fertilised them but later ate them all. Frogs mate a lot but I am not aware of any new tadpoles - possibly the koi ate the eggs.
It is filled with rainwater & I have never put any salt in it. In summer i may have to top it up with tapwater but I don't like doing that. Water is aerated by pumping it through a cascade running into the pond.
We like the sound of the frogs - but they are not a nuisance like those lowveld ones seem to be.
I wanted to put a crab in also but was persuaded not to. I did catch some of those water boatmen & skimmers but the pond was too small for them to be happy. Dragonflies come in summer.
Town Crier
Posts: 9816
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #22 on:
September 13, 2009, 08:12:39 AM »
Ek het glad nie n probleem met paddas nie maar hierdie spesifike spesie raas so jy kan jou self nie hoor dink nie. Miskien moet ek hulle probeer vang en in die groot dam gooi. Of miskien my skoonma se visdam
Quote from: Biscuit on September 12, 2009, 04:16:14 PM
Ok Natuurkind, solank hulle nie seerkry nie en net wegtrek. Ek wonder net of hulle nie brand van die sout nie?
Ek is maar `n sucker as dit by diere kom, kannie help nie...
Ek gee oor. WP is die Beste!
Town Crier
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Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #23 on:
September 13, 2009, 10:01:30 AM »
Ons paddas het oorgetrek na die buurvrou se dam. Sy kan dit glo nie meer hou nie!!!! Die skoonma gedagte is brilliant, maar bly sy nie nou by jou nie??
Ek vrek oor enige diertjie, maar het 'n phobia vir padda's, het nie veel simpatie nie, veral nou dat hulle so erg raas nie. 'n Padda vang ek nie, ek hardloop eerder km's weg!
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Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #24 on:
September 13, 2009, 11:26:33 AM »
Ek gee oor. WP is die Beste!
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Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #25 on:
September 13, 2009, 11:30:22 AM »
Quote from: Rooibok on September 13, 2009, 11:26:33 AM
Who are those nice yellow flowers at the front Rooibok?
Town Crier
Posts: 9816
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #26 on:
September 14, 2009, 06:48:51 AM »
Not sure...wife bought them a while back.
Ek gee oor. WP is die Beste!
Forum Furniture
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Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #27 on:
September 14, 2009, 02:17:25 PM »
Quote from: tok-tokkie on September 13, 2009, 11:30:22 AM
Quote from: Rooibok on September 13, 2009, 11:26:33 AM
Who are those nice yellow flowers at the front Rooibok?
Gaan die nice yellow flowers nie ook vrek van die Omo nie?
Town Crier
Posts: 5366
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #28 on:
September 25, 2009, 03:42:08 PM »
OK, Rooibok, na aanleiding van die gesprek op die "waarna luister jy" draad aanvaar ek dat jy steeds 'n probleem het - omo, sout of te nie. Duidelik het Prins ook al die ervaring gehad. Die groot ding is dat ons mos nie altyd daar is nie, maar met ons laaste besoek aan Marloth het ons besef dat dit eenvoudig nie so kan voortgaan nie. Die uiteinde mag dalk wees dat die watergat toegegooi moet word. Dis egter nie die ideaal nie.
Ek neem aan dat die culprits eintlik die brulpadda is. Daar is ook 'n ander paddatjie wat meer klink soos die buurman se worsie se aanhoudende geblaf as die rodweiler s'n soos die brulpadda klink. Kort en lank van die storie is dat ons almal lief is vir die natuur. Ek het die internet gescan, maar die ouens wat raad soek oor dieselfde probleem sukkel deurgaans om hul mede forum gebruikers te oortuig dat die klank vergelyk met 'n enigiets van 'n Oshkosh wat exhaust brakes aanslaan tot 'n boeing wat opstyg eerder as 'n vreedsame nag in Afrika. Dit is eenvoudig te monotoon en verswelgend om aangenaam te wees. Dit oorheers 'n Hyena wat 150meter van die huis af lag. Selfs die koor van die seekoeie word verswelg deur die konstante geblaas op hulle padda-vuvuzellas!!!! Die enigste rede hoekom jy weet die ander klanke word oordonder is omdat die mense die volgende dag vra of jy dit of dat gehoor het. Bleddie padda's wat raas is al wat ons gehoor het.
Daardie gespikkelde padda van prins klink interessant. Kom ons help mekaar met inligting hieroor. Ek het ook gedink - Ja, wat van visse wat spesifiek die eiers vreet. Dit is so dat hulle einde ten laaste slange gaan lok. Die enigste probleem is dat daar flippen baie slange sal moet kom om die getalle noemenswaardig te verminder. Ek gee nie om vir 'n beperkte slang of twee wat nie te giftig is nie, maar dit sal dalk sleg wees om te veel van hulle om die huis te he. Nou het ek gewonder - wat van 'n paar rubberslange? Ek gaan dit probeer.
Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 03:46:50 PM by Natuurkind
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Town Crier
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Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #29 on:
September 25, 2009, 04:08:59 PM »
Plante moet skynbaar tot die minimum beperk word. Die water moet deursigtig wees met geen grond of sand onder in nie. Paddas hou skynbaar net so min soos slange van "snake repellent".
Daar is 'n lig in die tonnel!
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Town Crier
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Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #30 on:
September 25, 2009, 04:09:14 PM »
How to Rid a Water Garden Pond of Frogs Humanely
It’s summer and everybody’s doin’ it. Birds and bees, even educated fleas …and FROGS are doin’ it in your water garden pond. And what a noise they make! No one ever taught a frog discretion during mating season and the cacophony of sounds and songs they make in your water garden pound run the gamut from a telephone ringing, to an old fashioned typewriter tapping to croaking and ribbiting enough to drive a person to madness. Follow these simple instructions to rid your water garden pond of frogs humanely and get a better night’s sleep.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Things You'll Need:
* Large Plastic cup
* Large piece of cardboard
* Nerves of steel
Step 1
Frogs tend to bask in the sun in you water garden pond all day long and never notice one another until dusk. Then all hell breaks loose in the warm summer nights. First thing to do to rid your water garden pond of noisy, often unwelcome visitors is gather together a large plastic cup and a piece of cardboard large enough to cover the top. The cups you get at bars for beer or the large cups at fast food restaurants are perfect especially for larger frogs.
Step 2
Wait ‘til dusk and when the frogs tend to come out of hiding. Gently and slowly approach the water garden pond in your yard and stand or sit very, very still. You may have to do this for a very long time. Eventually you will see the frog(s) appear. With extreme slowness approach the first frog thinking only good thoughts. In your mind let him know you are going to take him to an even better place than your water garden pond. No nasty thoughts please. This is supposed to be humane.
The frog will see you coming toward her and if you move very slowly she will stay still, being scared sh*tless but not moving. Slowly and deftly place the cup upside down over the little booger.
Step 3
Carefully slide the cardboard under the upturned cup and gently and slowly turn it right side up. You should now have one frog in the cup and have it covered with cardboard.
Step 4
Run like hell to your car, jump in keeping the cup steady and covered the entire time and drive to the nearest pond, lake, swamp or your neighbor’s yard on the other side of the neighborhood and carefully release the froggy. Take a deep breath, drive home and start again with the next frog. If you’re lucky there will only be one or two in your water garden pond.
Step 5
When you are completely finished with this process, you’ll be dead tired and sleep really well that night free of frogs croaking, typing and ringing in your water garden pond…until the next night, and then you start all over. Aren’t you glad there’s no good TV on during the summer nights?
Tips & Warnings
It’s very important to think good thoughts to the frog because then they won’t run away. They hear you, I promise you, they do. And you do want to do this out of kindness, to yourself and the frogs.
Frogs are fast and can give you a good run for your money. If you approach quickly or aggressively or in anger, forget it! You’ll never catch them and they will have the last laugh!
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Forum Furniture
Posts: 3433
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #31 on:
September 25, 2009, 04:11:31 PM »
Padda-vuvuzellas!!!! Ok na daai mooi woord het jy my.
Ek sal bietjie rond vra ook. Miskien is daar dalk iemand hier in my omgewing wat iemand ken wat dalk iemand ken met raserige paddas.
Die gedrag kan ook deel wees van die oorsaak.
Ek het ook gedink voëls eet mos paddas maar toe sien ek die foto's.
Paddas het natuurlik ander diere wat bo hulle is op die foodchain.
Kannibalisme is ook n opsie!
Laastens as hulle die grote begin raak dan dink ek sal jy maar moet trek.
AKA Rowwerot
Town Crier
Posts: 5366
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #32 on:
September 25, 2009, 04:15:20 PM »
Frog traps are primarily water-based contraptions that are partially exposed at the top where the frogs jump in. These traps were invented by fisherman looking for a new way to catch frogs for bait. They are also popular with people who love a mess of frog legs rolled in corn meal and deep fried.
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Town Crier
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Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #33 on:
September 25, 2009, 04:15:37 PM »
Nout ons nog 'n lig ook in die watergat gaan sit!
gelukkig is daar darem 'n waterskilpad ook. Dis die groot rede hoekom ek eintlik teesinnig was om aanmekaar sout in te gooi. Ek dink nie die waterskilpad gaan van die sitrusoda hou nie. Die diere het nie omgegee vir die sout nie. Ek gaan nie kaffein ingooi nie.......netnou begin ek die water drink in die plek van Red Bull.
Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 04:18:25 PM by Natuurkind
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Town Crier
Posts: 5366
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #34 on:
September 25, 2009, 04:27:27 PM »
Popular Methods for Frog Removal
1. Citric acid has been used in the battle against frog populations and has been proven to be effective. It is relatively easy to acquire at gardening shops and causes only mild phytotoxic damage to plants. Mix up a 16% solution, which is 1.3 pounds dry citric acid to one gallon of water. Put the solution in a sprayer and spray the frogs directly. Only direct exposure will kill the frogs. If you worry about killing your plants, rinse them with water about an hour after spraying the frogs. This will help reduce the damage.
2. Saltwater seems to have some affect on frogs much like it does on slugs. The salt burns their moist skin and scares them away. Much to the horror of my brother and sister, I was one of those little brats that liked to put salt on slugs and watch them wriggle. I remember our vacation to Washington state, in a little town called Lake Stevens. We were there visiting my great-aunt and uncle, and their backyard was rife with slugs. She gave me a salt shaker and sent me out back to play. What you do is mix up a solution of saltwater and spray it around the areas the frogs congregate. It will burn their little toes when they hop over the sprayed area. A little warning—all this salt is gonna be hard on any plants in the area. They will brown around the edges and eventually flop over dead from dehydration. So, that's the downside.
3. Caffeine has been approved for experimental usage in Hawaii as a pesticide. It is still in the experimenting phase as the affects on the ecosystem need to be observed. But early research showed a 2% solution of caffeine killed 100% of the frogs exposed to it. It causes irregularity in their heartbeats (heart attacks). It also killed a bunch of snails, slugs, and lizards in the testing area. A 2% solution is 125 times stronger than cola, so that would also mess a human up pretty badly. But you can use leftover coffee, which is about 0.1–0.05% concentration, to deter frogs. This solution will not kill them, but it may scare them off.
4. Bleach surprisingly has been used to ward of infestations of frogs, too. The solution is fairly weak, but it is apparently enough to keep the little critters out. Mix 1/3 cup bleach to 3 gallons of water or just under 2 tablespoons per gallon. I would not recommending spraying this onto plants as bleach will most likely kill them.
5. Controlling the variables of frog habitat is also crucial in getting rid of frogs. Frogs like dark, moist homes with lots of food available. Getting rid of structures where frogs can hide, like wood piles or piles of brush or leaves, helps. If you have a large lawn, consider mowing it short and regularly. This keeps the mosquitoes and other frog food populations at a lower level. If you can find the location where they are breeding, scoop out the frog eggs every time you see them. Also, hiring some kids to catch the frogs by hand is very effective. Kids will do anything for money.
Frogs for sale!
In the end, you need to assess the situation and decide for yourself what lengths you are willing to go to and how much you are willing to sacrifice to get rid of frogs. If you only have a couple of frogs, I would try the hands-on approach. Catch them by hand. It is easy and saves you killing a bunch of other stuff. If you have more than a few frogs and you just absolutely must get rid of them even though they are crucial to our environment and eat nasty disease-carrying bugs, use the methods described here and you will have success. If you have delicate plants, keep these in mind when choosing your weapon. Many of these chemicals I have talked about can and will hurt your plants. My favorite method for getting rid of frogs is still catching them. But maybe that is unrealistic in today's world. Kids today would rather play a video game called “Frog Catcher” than actually go outside to catch a frog or two.
Natural Frog Control
Stimulate your local economy. When I was a kid, my Grandpa was an expert potato grower. My Grandpa loved working his potato patch. And when the potato bug would come to visit, he paid me a nickel for each one I caught. Try something like this with your frog problem.
getting rid of 8
If you have to kill, do it right. Putting your frogs into the fridge overnight will make them sluggish and sleepy. Next, put them in to the freezer for a few days. If your frogs are of the hibernating variety, this step may or not work, so you are gonna have to whack 'em over the head just to make sure.
Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 04:28:59 PM by Natuurkind
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Town Crier
Posts: 9816
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #35 on:
September 26, 2009, 04:29:24 AM »
Aaaah!...dis nou beter
Plante uitgehaal en ouboet sommer vinnig gevang met n skepnet. Agter our die muur gelaunch met n stuk plank in n lee erf in.
Ek gee oor. WP is die Beste!
Town Crier
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Die Aapmens ......
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #36 on:
September 26, 2009, 05:40:34 AM »
Goeie afstand gekry?
Ek is bly ek is nie 'n Stormer ondersteuner nie
Town Crier
Posts: 9816
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #37 on:
September 26, 2009, 05:56:09 AM »
Ja nee...kon dalk die lee erf mis gegooi het
Ek gee oor. WP is die Beste!
Forum Furniture
Posts: 3433
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #38 on:
September 26, 2009, 06:34:51 AM »
Mooi man! Ek is bly jy maak vordering(afstand) met die paddas.
AKA Rowwerot
Re: Raserige paddas
Reply #39 on:
September 26, 2009, 10:11:34 AM »
Miskien kan julle my kom help met die hoenders.
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